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Vaccinare un animale "domestico": è necessario?
 Sempre, bisogna pensare all'individuo di cui ci prendiamo cura
 Solo per i cuccioli, sono troppo deboli e senza intervento esterno rischiano di morire. Da adulti se la cavano
 Mai, i vaccini sono testati su molti altri animali e per salvarne uno se ne condannano molti altri
 No, non servono anche perchè la natura deve fare il suo corso
 Non so, non escludo la vaccinazione ma valuto di volta in volta

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Pubblicato da cristiano il 27/10/2007 alle 22:16:02, in Notizie sparse, letto 1920 volte
Nina Hagen animalista!
evviva il punk tedesco anni 80!


certo, non è che il video sia molto... educativo però è... un documento storico!

We all want to see thru life's mysterey
The quest for knowledge is a natural activity
But science be careful -- science be kind
We can't go on pretending to be blind
Those animal experiments don't make sense
You're getting nowhere with cruelty and death
I say ignorance was some excuse
But uh-uh not now -- you see we got the proof
A-a-aanimal testing is a dangerious game
All systems are different -- we're not the same
It's a terrible risk -- so no surprise
We get wrong results -- hey what about Thalidomide
Abuse yourself of your own free will
Get hurt -- get high -- get in distress
But don't drag the animals into this mess

No more torture! The animals are free
The same with messing around with atomic energy
Hey hey doctor - reincarnation
Would you like to come back as a laboratory rat?
Here we are coiled like a sleeping snake
We got to expand out potential
Forgod's sake
If we want to avoid this endless human riot
Why don't we start by changing our diet
Life is for living -- the animals agree
If they were meant to be eaten
They'd be growing on trees
So no more torture of our furry friends
In the name of food or scientific ends
The pressure is on -- be antivivisection!

All our scientists are messing up - they don't succeed
Let the psychics tell what the spirits think we need
Our super friends from other planets want to give advice
But the money orientated business doesn't think that's nice

Come on let's educate the mutated human race
By the super power of amazing grace
The missing link of human evolution
Is sexuality - it needs a spiritual revolution
My individual god identity
Is what you've gotta meet
It's the rhythm of the beat

Don't kill the animals
Don't kill the animals
The animals are free

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